This page provides answers to the most common questions we are asked about process serving. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for then please do not hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help!
I need my papers serving today. Can you help?
More often than not the answer is yes! If you have a really urgent service then please contact us before instructing us. We will confirm our availability and the cost of service beforehand.
I need you to collect the papers from our offices. Can you help?
Yes, we can arrange for collection of the papers from you. There is a charge for doing so.
What areas do you cover
Nationwide. We have a Process Server that covers most parts of the Country.
How much do you charge?
Its quick and easy to get a fee estimate from us. That way you can make sure you are happy with the fees and charges you will incur and there will not be any nasty little surprises.
How many visits will you make for the fee you charge?
Our Process Server will normally make up to three visits for the standard fee. This is made to one address. We charge a fee oper address we attend.
If we have made three visits without catching your subject then we will contact you to discuss the case before proceeding further.
When do you charge me?
For Solicitors who instruct us, we normally raise an invoice once the job has been completed. We raise interim invoices on cases that are ongoing. Private clients we generally raise an invoice for immediate payment.
At what times will your Process Servers call?
Within reason, we will call at whatever time is necessary to catch your subject. Many services we make are done outside normal business hours or at weekends.
Do you guarantee service will be made?
No, it's impossible for us to guarantee that your papers will be served. If your subject is evading us then we normally prepare an affidavit or statement of attempted service that can support an application for substituted service.
How do I instruct you to serve my documents?
It's very easy to instruct us. Click here for full instructions.
Will I receive an affidavit of service?
We will prepare either a affidavit of service, certificate of service or a statement of service. If you have a preference as to which you would like us to complete then simply let us know with your instructions.
I don't know my subjects home address but I know where they work. Will you attend a works address to make service?
Yes, we would be able to attempt service at any address you have. Even if the Court papers have your subjects previous address on we can still attempt service at an alternative address.
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