How to instruct us - the quickest way to instruct PB Process Servers UK is by email. We will print the required number of copies to be served and then attend the address for service.
If the original documents need serving then the simplest way is to post them to our Head Office which will then allocate the papers to our Local Process Server covering the given area.
For very urgent instructions the papers can be sent direct to our Process Servers home address or we may be able to arrange collection of the papers from you.
To instruct one of our experienced Process Servers in the UK, by post, please send the documents you require serving plus a further copy of these to us which we may exhibit to proof of service.
If your service is of a more urgent nature (within 3-4 days of us receiving papers) then please contact us on 0113 286 8380 prior to sending instructions as the papers may need sending directly to the process server covering that particular area.
When instructing us, please include an email address and the contact name of the person dealing with the case. We will normally confirm safe receipt of your documents either by email or telephone.
Check the following before instructing us:-
Frequently asked questions
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